Friday, January 23, 2015

Week 2 Extra Reading Diary: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs)

Surprise, surprise. My favorite part of the Aesop’s Fables unit were the stories about foxes. Foxes in these fables are often tricksters or clever types, but can also be hypocritical and even fall victim to the trickery of others. Foxes are just so cute and wily, but their reputation as a trickster has overshadowed their cuteness and. What a shame. Watch this cute video of a fox to see what I mean.

The first story that I really enjoyed was “The Fox and the Mask.” It’s an instance of the fox being clever without being cast in a negative light, which I liked. The fox isn’t a trickster in this story. Instead, he’s not spooked by the mask after taking time to realize what it actually is. I found a lot of insight in this fable. It made me realize that taking things at face value is definitely not the way to go. You’ve got to delve deeper to discover the reality of the situation.

Another story I really enjoyed was “The Fox and the Mosquitoes.” I thought the moral associated with the Crane version of the tale to be particularly amusing. “There were politicians in Aesop’s time.” It’s just so blunt, and I couldn’t help but laugh when I read it. Indeed, the disdain for politicians we have today is not a novel idea. The fox seems so resigned to his fate with the mosquitoes that are currently plaguing him that he does not dare disturb them and invite more annoying mosquitoes to feast on him.

Red Fox on an Evergreen, Colorado's porch
- Lillian

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