I've taken a few online classes while I've been at OU, and they've all been pretty different. One was a blended course that had one class a week, but the rest of the work was online. I liked this format because it allowed me to get to know my professor and people in my class without have to go to class ALL THE TIME. The other online classes I've taken have varied in the type of work that they required. I liked being able to interact with my classmates through the blogs on this class, as the other classes I've taken have not had that kind of interaction. In general, you really have no idea who else is in the class with you. I also really liked that this class didn't have any exams, which always seem to be a complicated aspect of taking a class online. Last summer while I was in Italy, I took an online class that had exams, and I had to pay to have someone proctor my exams over my spotty internet connection. It was definitely less than ideal, and if I had known that would be the case, I would've taken a different class.
Overall, I like the convenience of online classes, but I do miss the interaction with professors and other students.
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